
Dabbling With Databases

Week 4 was a big week for us here at Origin Code Academy. We started working with Databases, learned about Object Relational Mapping such as Entity Framework, and even created our very own API. There was so much information thrown at us this week I definitely feel overwhelmed. We first started working with databases. Our task was to build a database that held information on the customer, accounts, and transactions. We were then going to take the database we created and use Entity Framework with it.

The next day or so we spent learning about ORM, Object Relational Mapping. ORM is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a “virtual object database” that can be used from within the programming language. We then built out a console application which displayed our information we had stored in our database.

We even took that a step further this week. We built our own API’s! This was something I wasn’t expecting to be doing in week 4! Cameron, our instructor, gave us an awesome lecture on how awesome API’s are and how to create one. We learned about the CRUD method which stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. The assignment was definitely the hardest one we have done thus far. I will admit though it is amazing when you get your API to return JSON data to you.

This week has been so crazy as far as time goes. If someone can come up with a solution for more hours in the day that would be great. I would have loved to have some more time to go back on previous projects and improve them, I would like to read more of the reading material/books we are given, I would like to go and watch some videos on stuff we learned to further cement the knowledge in my memory. and I would like to have some time to catch up on sleep. Due to all of these assignments, I barely had time to write my blog this week so I apologize for that. So if anyone has any tips on time management post them in the comments! Don’t forget to check back next week to see how week 5 is going!