
And So My Journey Begins

If you would have asked me what I would have been doing a month ago I would have told you real estate. I have always loved computers and technology growing up, but never would I have thought that I would one day be learning the code to make such things work. I was asked what I thought about learning to code by a friend. At the time, I hadn’t given it much thought but it sounded very interesting and lucrative. There was a coding school starting 4 days after I was asked that question. I thought about it for about 24 hours before I decided to drop everything and fly to San Diego to start at Origin Code Academy.

I was extremely nervous leaving everything behind for the next three months to attend this coding school. Once I made my decision though I knew it was the correct one. I arrived in San Diego on Thursday before class started and was actually interviewed by CBS right when I arrived! It was my  TV debut so that was pretty fun. They basically asked me general questions on why I decided to learn to code. My answer to that, because technology is everywhere and it all needs code to run.

The first day of class was great. We all introduced ourselves and got to know everyone. The instructor passed out all the necessary programs and applications we needed via a 32GB thumb-drive to each of us (that was a bonus, can always use thumb-drives)! We took most of the day setting up all of our machines and making sure we were good to go for the second day of class. The second day is when the teaching of C# started. Holy S$%* did I think I was screwed… It all seemed so foreign to me. I didn’t really know what was going on at first but I kept at it and it eventually started to make more sense. The third day is when things started to click! I was listening to our amazing instructor Cameron and I can’t explain what happened but it just started to make sense.

I first built an age calculator. You input your date of birth and it spits out your age to the day. This was pretty hard because it was our first project and I still wasn’t sure what I was doing.  The second project though which we started day 3 was a tile calculator. The user inputs the rooms width, length, and cost per square foot of material, and outputs the area and the total cost of the job. This is the project where everything started to make sense. Man, it sure does put a smile on your face when you compile some code and you get no errors! The third project was a change calculator. It would tell you the amount you need to give back to the customer. It also would tell you the exact number of each coin and bill to give them. All of these I didn’t think I would even come close to being able to do but let me assure you it is possible. I did all of this in 4 days!

The first week of class has been amazing and I am looking forward to week 2! I will try and post at least once a week so you all can keep checking in. I will also try and get some of my code uploaded so you all can view and comment on it. I hope this post has inspired you to follow along the journey to becoming a coding boss! Let’s become G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) together!